Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010 - Update and Loot!

So work has been hell lately. Both of them. And now things seem to be slowing down. Hours at the comic shop are low this week(no idea if thats good or neccessary bad) and vending pulls have been CACA lately.
Hopefully, I can get the vend back on track. As for the shop, as long as it can be stable, I'll adapt and adjust. Its what I do. Anything else would cause and bring unneccessary attention to myself(and thats sorta not my policy). Buuuuutttt, with the extra time off - I can maybe get my crap together and play catch up. That means proper sleeping habits, normalizing the spending(meaning I now gotta be like a normal person and go back to budgeting my money and not splurging every week-boo.), catching up on shows(both anime or otherwise), gunpla work, plasmo work, AF custom work, vid sub/encode/edit work, working out, etc. As it seems, I have quite a bit to catch up on.
Well, first things first, lets do a loot post^^. The last 2 months have been nice on me, but sad for the wallet.( I think its still acting like a little B#$%^ and sobbing quietly in the corner.what a punk wallet. :p) I've procured a few things here and there, but I won't have this level of lootage anymore since I gotta budget. This time's loot includes-

The Iron man 2 AF's. Mark I(comic series), Deep Sea Armor(concept Armor series), Hypervelocity-stealth armor(concept armor series), Mark V-suitcase armor(Movie Series)
Mark III(movie series), and Iron Monger(movie series)
War Machine(comic series), Mark IV(movie series), Power Assault Armor(concept Armor series), Mark I(movie series)
Mark VI(movie series), and War Machine(movie series)
My wannabe hall of armors,heh.
Plus a custom Movie accurate Mark VI with articulated torso and led lit arc reactor made from a light up mark VI( but for some reason, it lights up with a red led.)
And of course, the "holy trinity." Classic Thor(Marvel Universe), Ultimate Capt. America(Marvel Universe), and Classic Iron Man(Comic series)
And lets not forget about the imported goods....
Revoltech Eva 2.0 unit-01(top left), Revoltech Eva 2.0 unit-01 awakened(left middle), Revoltech ARX-7 Arbalest(bottom left), 1/144 HG Gundam Nataku(middle), 1/144 HG Gouf Flight Type(middle bottom)
1/100 MG Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai( big box on left), 1/144 HG Force Impulse Gundam(Top Right), 1/144 HG Gundam Astray Red Frame(bottom right)
God of War III - Ultimate edition(the awesome looking box.for a game. so rad^^)
Another Gundam 00 Celestial Being action base(left), Macross Frontier SMS action base(bottom middle), Regular Black Action base 1(bottom right)
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 Bluray & Evangelion 1.11 - you are (not) alone.( both were on sale on amazon.too good a deal to pass up!)
B-club 1/100 Red Frame Manipulator set 1(left) and B-club 1/144 freedom gundam manipulator set(right). gonna use the freedom set for custom work on 1/144 red frame.
Wonder why the hell I'm showing my codes geass knightmare frame model kits? I have a reason. And a question.MG red frame comes with aweful puke yellow "gold parts."Its for the hilt and the end handle piece of its katanas. I'm gonna do a gold paint treatment to improve the puke yellow. Below are 2 kits that use 2 different gold styles. I will use one. Thats where I'd like some help.
First is the Lancelot. This was done with Tamiya Gold leaf spray.
This will be potential treatment #1
Next up is the Gurren mk II. The knife had silver with clear yellow done to it.
This is potential treatment #2.

So thats my update. and my loot post. Now I'm off to do a vid, then its off to finish the XN raiser since I have the proper paint now. Any help picking a gold for the red frame's katana gold parts paint treatments would be greatly appreciated. You can leave a comment from the post or you can drop your thoughts in the Chat box. Thanks. Later people.

P.S. - When I get some time, I will be doing a massive food post. I recently had a curry week.(more like curry 2 1/2 weeks.)Lots of curry related foods. Anticipate!

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 08, 2010 - Iron Man II Trailer 2 out!!!!!

Omgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!....I think I just made a mess. so damn excited. Full trailers up to 1080p at Apple Trailers. Enjoy. Oh yeah, Just got a few more IM2 figures so there'll be some new reviews soon. Such awesomeness. I'm gonna be too excited to sleep rad,raaaaaahhhh!!!![>_<]!!!!!!!

Image from Rehsup at DeviantArt
