Yup.tis true.tis true.
*New features known (*as of now):
- Character Tsubaki Yaoi now playable; (this should come as no surprise for those who finished Story Mode in the console version — she’s under direct orders to assassinate Jin and Noel.). She is a multi-hit character, making her user-friendly. Her drive is called “Install” and it powers up her existing special moves.
- At least one more new character confirmed.
- System changes; how it’s being balanced is not specified.
- New HUD.
- New stages; old stages redone.
- Arcade version will receive a Beginner Mode for easier input of combos/moves, etc.
- All existing characters will receive new moves; Rachel (new Distortion Drive), Carl (new projectile with Nirvana), Arakune (new curse attack), Ragna (new dive attack), etc.
- There will be a Loke Test this weekend at “Game Center Hey” in Akihabara.
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