Haven't done a food post in a while(namely cuz food night is on hiatus since friends are busy or still in the middle of moving right now). Money's also kinda tight right now with many big pre-orders barreling down on me(my wallet is sobbing in the corner as I write this post). Regardless, figured I'd try and put something together.
Many good things you can teach your kids that'll be of great use to them when they're older. One of those things is making good use of your leftovers; in an asian household, that means stir-frying and stews are your best friend. With only $10 of free money laying about not set aside for orders or bills, I had to make that last. Totally doable.
I bought some veggies, cubed ham, and some teabags. After I mined the frozen terrain of my freezer, found 1 frozen steak, frozen soba, frozen udon, and some corn. Combined with my pantry finds of rice, chicken stock, dry ramen, mirin, and kombu dashi. Totally enough for more than about 2 weeks worth of meals as long as supplies last. We'll do something quick so stir fry sounds good. Its a day off so something extra tasty should happen-steak it is. Verdict- Yakisoba it is!
Luckily, yakisoba doesn't require much at all. A quick chop of some veggies, thawing out the corn, and marinating the steak a bit.
Honestly, I don't even remember exactly everything I used. There was some dried onion pieces, bay leaves, salt, pepper, garlic powder, mushroom extract, soy sauce, mirin, and some sesame oil. I may have missed a few things.
Since I don't know how to cook like a pro or anything, prep work used to take ages for me. However, food night with actual chef friends who cook for a living can really teach you a lot of things to help improve the way you prep, your speed, and your cooking techniques. I used to hate messing with onions since it took forever. Now, no longer an issue since I learned better ways to cut onions.SCORE!
It may not be the freshiest handmade soba noodles, but these'll work fine. Not everyone can swing by an izakaya(hell, I can't even find any good yakitori places in the city-soooo lame).
Thanks to doing all that prep work, a quick chop of some bell peppers,carrots, and celery(friggin market didn't have any cabbage. What the heck's up with that??)
Followed by a few minutes of stir fry in the wok.( if you have to fry, woks will totally make your life easier ^^)
And voila, yakisoba. Took me about 30 minutes from prep, cook, to finish. This should last me for lunch for most of the week.
"Hey! you stretch that arm toward the soba, you're losing that arm, zero!"
And that ends my monthly obligatory food post.(which I've been totally forgetting about.whoops^^;) I have a few reviews I need to crank out in the next weeks so hopefully, I can knock those out on my next day off. Til then, Later til later!
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