I know my blogging activity has been on a bit of the dead side,sorry bout that. If you work retail, your life gets busy round this time of year. If you're in school as well, yeesh. I'm not in school, but I do work multiple jobs(what can I say? gotta feed the addictions,heh. That and a guy's gotta actually eat!). Regardless, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and very happy holidays! Hope everyone got tons of prezzies and ate til they passed out from the itis ^^;
I'll try and whip up a holiday/loot/update/WIP post soon as the holidays should be coming to a close and things should be slowing down a bit. Til then, everybody!

P.S. - I wanna see Shinigami in a snowball fight against everyone else!
Merry Christmas! XD
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