I still need to get the regular version. Do you prefer the figma or the revoltech version?

OMFG, CURRRRYYYYYY!!!!!(hmm, its been a while since I had curry.
Maybe I should make some soon. Maybe Currydon this time.)

Since I have the awakened unit-01, I guess I should pick this up,too.

Actually, its pretty knarly. I'm kinda diggin.

Also, Still haven't seen any Evangelion 2.0 stuff yet. My bluray from Amazon is
set to ship in a few weeks.

I've never seen Trigun, but I've heard of it.I'm diggin the details.

Plus, I dig the weapon(s)

And I've been waiting for a painted image of this bad boy for ages. SO WANT.

Lacking on accessories, but if sculpt & articulation is good, I'm happy.

I'm on the ropes for this. Good news is I've already put in an order to stock my work
with it so I at least have the option for it, hehe.

KOS MOS....holy....

In figma form. so many attachments. must have.

....I think I just geeked out all over a little bit. Linebarrel with Executor??!


AND MODE-B??????!!!

.....so much money will....be spent.....ugh....

If I don't get a Jack Skellington figma, I know tons of people who'd want him.

hahahaha. Of course, the best for last. right?? Thats right, folks. And its legit. An MJ figma. crouch grab hand attachment included??hahahahahahah[>_<]hahahahahaha,thrrriiiiilllllaaaahhh!!!!!
An expensive year indeed is ahead.
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