Well, lets get started. The trip was at the end of August and it was for a week.
Personal Guidelines for trip
- Eat,eat, and eat some more - Eat til I wanna puke. I'm in NY. Tons of great food available. Gotta take advantage of it
Feed the need- While I wasn't in NY for comic con/ anime festival, that shouldn't stop me from going to shops and buying stuff. I wanted to buy at least a plasmo, a manga I can't find locally at home, some art books, definitely figures, wall scrolls, etc.
Shoot like life depends on it- I have a phone with a decent cam and a data connection. Also have a digital camera with extra cards and batteries. pics, pics, and more pics. Snapshots of everything,yo.
Sleep when you're dead, fool - again, on vacation and in one of the most lively cities. Especially if you're young. tired? sleep when the vacay's over or on the plane.
Rock out with your cock out - plenty of little guidelines, but most important- enjoy, chill out, and enjoy everything. nothing's concrete so improv is totally cool as long as its enjoyable for the trip and the experience.
The trip itself was very memorable. In more ways than one. Overall, very awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Its not Japan, but I sure as hell had fun regardless. It was only at the end that crazy shit happened that wasn't so pleasant.
During the week, I went just about everywhere except the Bronx and Staten island. Like everywhere. Little Italy, Chinatown, Upper East side, The village, K-town, hell, I accidently almost ended up at coney island. I even had so much stuff that I had to rethink my luggage coming home since there was so much stuff to take home! Lots of food,lots of cool stuff, cool people, but leaving was another story. Essentially, JFK- Delta was a bitch and totally fucked up lots of stuff for many passengers, including myself. I also had an incident with a moron(whom friends & family totally think was trying to steal my stuff). When things got fixed, I had a really crappy layover that was hella long and they totally complicated things with luggage even more. When I got back to Texas, Half my luggage made it back fine. The other one was in the missing luggage/unclaimed office. My other bag got misplaced and was practically trashed. It was even wet inside! Why the hell was it wet??! Some of my stuff was dinged up a bit, but nothing worth making a scene over. well, so I thought. When I got home and unpacked, Some boxes were a bit more messed up more than I liked and as a collector, thats kinda not cool. Also, some of my sd cards became corrupt! Some vids and pics totally trashed and wasted. so much rage. Over it now, but that really sucked. Besides the end, my trip to New York was really fun, can't wait for the next ^^.
And now for Pics! Sorry for the weird order, blogger has the oddest pic uploader sometimes. Enjoy.

The first place we ate at our first night. It rained all day, but it was worth it. And that IS totallly the actual name: Tasty Hand-pulled Noodles,Inc.

No lie either, actually homemade and handpulled. potstickers,too. totally a hidden gem. so damn tasty.

Gotta have dim sum in Chinatown of course. Enough with stacks! Spread it out and let's eat!

So many little buns and dumplings...no more...dumplings...dying...

Sees more dim sum and faints*...wakes after small nap and continues meal...literally.

Pomme Frites,mmm. Belgium fries. more that 30 different dips and sauces, it'll make your head spin. and open til 4am.

No White Castle location back home so had to stop by.We were in Brooklyn...there was bullet proof glass for the cashiers...how safe ^^;

Something for all the big music fanatics out there. Yup, Electric Lady Studios. Too bad we couldn't go in.

Here's somewhere special. This is Kinokuniya, A Japanese book store. Only a few in the states. Pretty awesome. Its like a JPN barnes and noble. This pic is the first floor...

And this is the 2nd. Don't know bout the whole store, but 2nd floor had no pictures signs everywhere. shhh! I pretended to "text" here. So many manga,artbooks,figures,a japanese bakery and cafe,imported cds and dvds.simply amazing. Pricey, but so damn awesome.

Its really cool how depending where you are, the architecture of the area can really vary.

This is the bottom area in front of the Rockefeller Center.

And this is the Rockefeller Building itself. hella tall. What a time not to own a nice camera with a wide angle lens...

New York Public Library. Really really big, its under construction right now and it was cloudy so hard to get a good shot. There was an awesome japanese place nearby called cafe zaiya. folks there are always so nice. I had breakfast there like 3 days in a row ^^;

No store bought ramen will ever beat real made in restaurant ramen. And no ramen is complete without fishcake.FISHCAKE,nom nom nom

Also, this was our chance to try out momofuko finally. Quite popular and for good reason. food was delicious. Coney Island lager had alot of hops,but wasn't bad. Neither was the sake.

Bok Choy is always good, its kinda hard to screw up bok choy. And DAMN that sauce was good. I would've drank it if I could have.

Public Library on a better day. Nice steps to read a book or have lunch.

This was the desert we had at this very cool secret place in Williamsburg called Zenkichi's.pricery, but worth EVERY cent. Foodgasms everywhere.
Chocolate black sesame mousse,Walnut chocolate pudding,Matcha & Blueberry Rare Cheesecake.

Roasted honey-soy duck

Zenkichi salad.with fresh made tofu. first time having fresh made tofu.wow.

Chilled Plate
- Oyster Ohitashi*
Simmered oyster with Arima Sansho pepper
Acquired taste: substitution available
- Uni Fluke*
Fluke Sashimi with uni sea urchin sauce
- Sashimi of the Day

Saikyo Miso Cod

There are privacy blinds that are pulled down at every table. And that actually a mirror in front there. crazy how clear the mirrors are. I wonder how big or small this place really is...

More pics that are clearer of the chilled plate.

The thing in the box is tako wasabi.WHEW!!!that octopus was raw and the wasabi was subtle, but WOW. it had some helluva kick in the aftertaste. Wasabi snuck up on me.

Fresh Miso soup. With REAL Fresh nori. Taste tween this and the instant stuff is like night and day.

I kinda wanted to take this with me. I think its awesome, but alas-would not have been cool to do that. chinatown to search for some later.

This was compliments from the chef. sashimi prepped with soy beans,fish eggs, wasabi, and other stuff. Not fishy at all. so fresh,too. It was savory.

Hershey's store near times square

oh no, my stock went down 5 pts,noooooo,heheh

Lady liberty looks different up close...

M&M store across from Hershey store. so many colors for m&m's...

The Jerk Chicken here almost put me to sleep. I hear it was featured on bobby flay's cart showdown show and kicked ass.

Something besides food. Was rainy off and on all week.

Of course, downtown was crazy busy, but I put up with it for....

BAM! yay, Image anime. Local anime shops always kick ass. Don't really have any back home so gotta shop online all the time. Any shops of the like in your neck of the woods?

PLASMO,GUNPLA,FIGURES EVERYWHERE. Why didn't I bring more money?? T.T

Shirts, wall scrolls and more awesomeness. the white shelving unit in the middle there has mostly master grades and perfect grades.more tears*,why????

Was a really nice shop. Wish I could've spent more...next year.next year!!

okonomiyaki, yakitori, curry noodles, and Kirin beer. life is good.

Where? At OH Taisho! nice joint in the village.

Central station's usually always bustlin

Trying to walk and snapshoot at the same time. and failing. wish I had a dslr with high speed lens right now. Lots of people walking behind me*

At the center of Times square is a central rest and hang out area.lots of street performers here.

Chrysler building! comics,movies,tv. damn thing's been in everything. What do you remember it in?

Fudgeknuckles. missed our train.25 minutes til the next one. too lazy to walk a few blocks to another one.ugh.too much food.nap....

Near central park on the way to the met. Gonna have another post just for that.

Wonton Soup with Pan fried noodles. so filling.

look at the size of them pickles!!

where? The Fatty crab. another nice joint in west village

Pork buns. the type of bread is the exact same as some of the meat buns back home. very tasty.

Quail egg shooters. not for everyone, but I'm all for trying new things. not bad.

Can't remember what kind of tea this is, but very rich and sweet.

The good morning. Deep fried hot dogs wrapped in bacon with cheese and an egg. DEATH ON A HOT DOG BUN. Isn't it beautiful?

Check it out. Its in the Village and closes 4am.

At this nice quiet Indian place since Momofuko was packed and there was a huge line outside.

I decided on meat samosaes since pomme frites and Crif Dog was on the route,too ^^;

Another Japanese restaurant in Flushing. We're in the other chinatown. Also goes by K-town.

Tears of joy*...For once, I don't have to make the curry myself. I'm so happy right now. T_T

And sometimes the subway can be so peaceful...
Post about the trip the Met later.
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