A wayy overdo review, but here it is finally- the review for kaiyodo's Yamaguchi Revoltech series, No. 103 Jehuty from the Zone of the Enders game series. I wanted to wait til my custom effect part for Jehuty's Burst attack was finished, but progress is moving at snail speed right now. I'll just have to do a separate update video and post about it when its completed. With that out of the way, lets get to it!

Jehuty is no. 103 in the yamaguchi line for Kaiyodo's Revoltech line, ratchet-jointed figures known for being able to be posed in very dynamic poses and hold said poses for almost an indefinite amount of time. Every aspect from the sculpt, the joint placement, to utilized toy technology shows that jehuty is definitely a later generation revoltech and how after more than 100 figures, Kaiyodo is improving more and more with each and every figure. Though, this figure is by no means a perfect figure, it still has some very noteworthy positive marks going for it.

Early revoltech figures were known to have some great details for their size, but some inconsistency in the quality of certain sculpted areas were questionable. There was also some revoltech owners who spoke of some figures having symmetry problems. While there will always be some QC issues with some things, one thing can be said about Jehuty and this figure- Its a very detailed mech design and this figure does a pretty awesome job recreating that design and feel with all the details placed on it. From the proportions to the hard sculpted metatron "veins", one can't really complain about the look of this figure.

Like previous revoltech releases and even figma releases, you can expect extra hands for numerous posing options. The sets of hands include: a pair of directional pointing hands(right side), a pair of closed fists(middle), a pair of calm relaxed opened hands(left), and one special hand used to simulate a grab function from the game used on everything from environmental objects to enemies. All to be thrown, swung like a weapon, or used like a shield(top right).

Also included with the accessories are a pair of swap-able landing stabilizers for the legs when jehuty is planted a surface and not in flight mode(bottom right), one active melee mode for the blade weapon(middle right), one active long range mode for the blade weapon(middle left), a pair of energy wings used to simulate flight thrust(left).

It doesn't end there with the accessories, there's more! There's also a pair of double jointed elbow joints for more range in the arms as well as extending the arms for those really cool "hack n' slash" style poses( bottom right), a revol-container to store accessories or the ones that can fit at least(middle), a slash effect part/barrier effect part(left of revol-container), one enemy radar ring(top), a standard base with a revoltech joint(top right), and adapter pieces to give height when using the base as well as using the radar ring(top left).

Though not as weapon heavy on the accessories as the getter robo revoltechs or other releases, jehuty certainly comes with a plethora of accessories to recreate many poses.

Instead of showcasing every boring angle and each and every range of all of Jehuty's articulation, I've decided to show a pose that uses all of its joints as well as other poses to show how articulate this figure can be or how great it can look.

Here's another angle of this awkward weird looking pose. Almost all of Jehuty's joints consist of revoltech joints except a few areas which have swivel peg joints. This is a pretty notable shift from how some of the earliest revoltech releases saw only some revoltech joints with lots of doll cut style swivels.

Here's Jehuty in flight mode wieiding its extended blade in melee mode and using its grabbing hand. Normally, the wrists have very small revoltech joints in them(possibly the smallest revoltech joints ever. I've yet to see this joints sold seperately like some of the bigger sized joints), but the grabbing hand has a static peg for stability instead. Well thought, Kaiyodo.

Here's another angle. Fun fact- the revol-container is painted the same color as the many metal crates/plates featured in the game that is used by the grab function.

And here we see Jehuty displayed with the radar ring. Its attached via a special adapter piece used between the stand and the Jehuty figure itself. It has a very nice aesthetic to it to recreate moments in the game. However, that's where my praise for its functionality ends. Due to space restrictions, posing with the radar ring can be a chore or at least requires some serious patience. The more extravagant the pose with it, the more you'll have to adjust everything to get it all to look just right.By itself, the radar ring only looks cool, but gets in the way for playability and easy posing. That's not to say that it doesn't have other uses...

When combined with the effect part and certain poses, Jehuty can now be shown with a cool energy slash effect part.

Or when posed in other ways and other angles, Jehuty can now be shown utilizing its barrier shield.
Or can be launching points for the projectile looking "options" normally placed on jehuty's hips. These "options" are used for all forms of offensive manner in the game so this is another nice aesthetic touch for the ring. Personally, I would've preferred a larger ring since the game does feature the radar ring in different sizes. This would allow easier posing options as well as keep all the other uses for the ring as well.
This is more of a positive mark for revoltechs in general, but Jehuty benefits from this as well. More revoltechs, more accessories. Many, which can be interchanged or added on.
Overall, this revoltech release for Jehuty isn't a bad one, just not perfect. Its very attractive,has great sculpt, nice paint apps, incredibly articulated, and has lots of accessories. However, the accessories make this figure feel less like something to play with and more like just a display piece(a nice one though,heh). Which is a shame, because it just screams to be played with. With that all said, its another good revoltech release from Kaiyodo to some & an answered prayer to Zoe fans who've been wanting more Zoe merchandise(myself included ^^;)

As an additional closing note, this is what I have so far for the custom burst attack effect part I've been working on so far. I'm still working on the internal sculpt and the paint work.
This is awesome! Great review btw. You can find Revoltech Jehuty here...https://www.45fresh.com/product/revoltech_jehuty/anime
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