Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24, 2009 - Boredom,then Wonderfest

So I got a little bored, so I somehow ended up surfing around on and went through pics here,posts there.saw alot of those otacool room posts. some very nice.lots of money spent obviously ^^;...anyways,I saw a post regarding wonderfest which was held a bit while ago.It has DDL link for all collected photos for things don't mean,"wow,thats awesome." necessarily,just wow.yeah, I'm that was close to 1000 many damn intense.I think I'm a bit "taku"-ed out.I wouldn't necessarily call myself an otaku or anything,but some of the exhibits at wonfest I can only imagine at other places to a point; and like I said,the wonfest photos have "taku"-ed me the hell out. jeez,intense.
In other news, Tonight's the night of the Batman Arkham Asylum game midnight release.YAY!!!!!!food,drink,GAMe-age!!!I've been waiting for this for a long time.AHHH, unboxing vid later *_*!!!!!yeaaaaaahhh!!!....clears throat*,continuing on.
Later I'll post my own review of Arkham Asylum and also a post about my new re-fitted compressor for my crapshoot, I want a badger gravity-fed double action god brush.patience patience.priorities first.sigh*,I think thats enough rant babbling. I now leave you with 2 photos that just had to be posted here from wonderfest.

Sidenote*-I hope that linebarrel in the pic is a figure or model type,so awesome.and that guren kicks @$$.*til next time.oh yeah, I put up a chatbox in the sidebar,chat ON!(>_<)!!!

