Tekkaman blade getting some props in figure treatment since SRW decided to use him. And I thought the 90's were dead for sure,heh. Though it seems that nostalgia is quite pricey.pricey indeed. Still, very cool that pegas is finally coming out as a figure.Bring on tekkaman Evil or Dagger!!>_<

Pegas can do all modes based on his show counterpart.

Interlock chamber present and accounted for.

Of course, Blade's no slouch to articulation either. and it looks like he has the standard bandai related peg post for all bandai bases/action bases.

The only thing possibly missing but not neccesary, are maybe beam effects.

It looks like a good set,but I dunno if it looks $120 good.Plus, there's still so many other little pieces of merchandise I. Hmm, must sit and thnk on this. food will help the thinking process.
P.s. - I forgot to do so,but now comments are accessible to everyone to use.Before for some reason, it was set to only fellow blogspot users. Now anyone can.That, and if anyone wants to pass on any info of related posts or just tidbits of interest. they can now.
TEKKSETTER!!!!! this look really awesome. it's about time we see a decent Tekkaman blade figure...
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